Every once in a while, some developer in a magical land of computers and energy drinks will release a free app that is truly greater then those before. Well I an proud to say that day has finally come with the release of Highway Rider!
Highway Rider is a driving game focused around dodging obstacles and getting as many near misses as possible without crashing. The controls are extremely simple to use with the only real control being you tilting your device to steer the motorcycle. The game offers both single and multiplayer gameplay with the ability to invite friends and challenge them to see who can collect 50 near misses first! The animations are very well put together and even with this being a free app it shows great graphics. The game can provide you with hours of convenient and enjoyable gameplay. The game also includes a number of customizations that allow you to Change the look of both your rider and motorcycle. But like all great games there is always a downfall and in the case of Highway Rider it is it's lack of level diversity! You are stuck with one level with the scenery changing very if not at all. The addition of new levels and perhaps different gameplay options would be welcomed in a future update. Overall This has proven to be a free app with the ability to compete with those better known apps that cost money! I have no problem recommending this app to those of you searching for a fun app that can can keep you occupied in those boring moments of life!
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